Protecting Traits and Quality with Identity Preserved (IP) Systems
Identity preserved (IP) production plays a key role in protecting a variety’s unique traits or quality characteristics from when the crop is seeded through to when the crop is transported, handled, processed and shipped. IP systems are used to protect many traits – everything from high sugar content in snack soybeans to the brighter amber colour in durum wheat that is preferred for making pasta.
IP systems that begin with Certified seed provide detailed traceability on the crop and the seed planted to produce that IP crop. In situations where a particular ingredient is needed to deliver specific nutritional requirements, Certified seed ensures those requirements are met.
As the demand for traceability in food, fuel and fibre systems continues to grow, grains and oilseeds grown under IP systems allows end-users to confidently deliver traceability, quality assurance and product innovation.
Read these case studies to see specific examples of food processors using grains and oilseeds grown from Certified seed under an identity preservation system to manufacture their food products.
To learn more about the Canadian Identity Preserved Recognition System (CIPRS), please visit the Canadian Grain Commissions website.