Fee Schedule

Approved fees to January 31, 2026

Acreage Fees
Group 1 Crop Kinds
Canola $3.25 per acre
Hybrid Corn
Excludes open-pollinated
$3.00 per acre
Group 2 Crop Kinds
Excludes Feminized Hemp
$1.60 per acre
Soybeans $1.60 per acre
All Grasses and Legumes
Section 6 & 7 crop kinds
$1.17 per acre
Group 3 Crop Kinds
Barley $1.10 per acre
Bean $1.10 per acre
Buckwheat $1.10 per acre
Canary seed $1.10 per acre
Chickpea $1.10 per acre
Fababean $1.10 per acre
Flax $1.10 per acre
Lentil $1.10 per acre
Mustard $1.10 per acre
Oats $1.10 per acre
Peas $1.10 per acre
Rye $1.10 per acre
Triticale $1.10 per acre
Wheat $1.10 per acre
All Other Crops $1.10 per acre
Plot Fees
Foundation, Probation and Select Plot Certification $60.00 per sequence
Breeder Plot Certification $80.00 per sequence
Membership Fees
Regular Membership
$240.00 per account
To be applied annually per account, for the first member on an account with seed crop certification.
Additional Growers (Regular Membership) $25.00 per each additional person added to a group account with seed crop certification.
Affiliate Membership $240.00 per account
To be applied annually per individual or organization.
Associate Membership $240.00 per account
To be applied annually per organization.
Variety Certification Eligibility
Variety Eligibility Certification Application
Form 300
$600.00 per application

Variety Onboarding

$100.00 per variety
Applicable to varieties entering CSGA’s system outside of Form 300 or CFIA Variety Registration Process.
Other Certification Fees

Minimum certification fee for Special Crop Kinds

$250.00 per sequence
Limited to Hybrid Mustard, Hybrid Wheat, Feminized Hemp, and Tobacco.
Appeal Application
Form 200


per sequence
Recertification Fees $2,500.00 per seed source
Additional fees may apply if CSGA is required to do additional consultations.
Midge Tolerant Wheat Testing Validation $1,200.00 per MTW blend
Normally charged to the variety distributor.
Land Use Inspection Assessment $50.00 per sequence
Re-inspection Assessment $50.00 per re-inspection
Bulk Application Processing $5.00 per sequence per field
To process each field on a bulk application. Online applications are made available at no
additional costs.
Breeder Seed Demotion Assessment
Form 45

per form

Age of Stand Extension 
Form 215


per field
To process requests to extend production of a perennial stand.

Foreign Canola Support Document Assessment $60.00 per sequence
To process a foreign canola support document assessment; includes crop inspection reports, transfer declarations, hybridity test results, and erucic acid results.
Hybrid Canola Support Document Assessment $50.00

per sequence
To process hybrid canola support document and related assessment.

Hybrid Corn Crop Inspection Report Assessment $50.00 per sequence
To process hybrid corn crop support document and related assessment.
Carry Over Seed Listing Fee
Per variety/class
$50.00 per crop certificate per year
To process request for carry over seed listing per variety or class.
Varietal Additional Certification Requirements (ACR) Assessment $50.00 per sequence
Currently only applicable to midge tolerant wheat (MTW) varietal blends.
Additional Certification or Higher Voluntary
Requirements (ACR/HVR)
$250.00  per application/variety
To apply an existing ACR/HVR to a new variety (once/variety). Normally charged to the variety distributor.
Onboard a new ACR/HVR


per variety
To onboard a new ACR/HVR (once/novel ACR/HVR). Normally charged to the variety distributor.
Modify an existing ACR/HVR


per variety
To modify an existing ACR/HVR as needed. Normally charged to the variety distributor.
SeedCert System Access Fees (Non Members)
ASCIS Annual Software Licensing Fee $500.00 per license, per year
Some ASCIS’s may have more than one license.
ASCIS Initial Software Licensing Fee $2,000.00 per initial license
For the onboarding of new a ASCIS.
ASCIS System Access Fee for Non Hybrids $0.12 per acre
ASCIS System Access Fee for Hybrids $0.22 per acre
Third Party System Access Fees (Non Members)
Third Party System Access Base Fee $300.00

per account
For non-member client access to SeedCert, applicable to tollers, third parties and assignees.

Penalties Assessed
Late Seed Crop Certification Applications
Received 15-21 Days After Deadline
$50.00 per sequence
Late Seed Crop Certification Applications
Received 22-60 Days After Deadline
$75.00 per sequence
Late Seed Crop Certification Applications
Received 60+ Days After Deadline
$125.00 per sequence
Late Payment 1.5% per month on balances outstanding 30 days after invoice date
Late Variety Onboarding Submission $100.00 per late variety onboarded in SeedCert
Incomplete Application Penalty
– Maps/GPS not submitted
$50.00 per incomplete sequence
Applied without a field map or GPS coordinates.
Incomplete Application Penalty
– Variety Not Onboarded
$50.00 per incomplete sequence
Applied without a variety onboarding submission.
No Valid Email $10.00 per sequence
Applied when no email has been provided for the account receiving certification services.
Inspection Cancelled $50.00 per cancelled sequence