June 10, 2021
A Message of Congratulations to Dr. Harvey from President Joe Rennick
A few short months ago, in November 2020, our long-time CSGA advisor and friend, Dr. Bryan Harvey, was inducted into the Agricultural Hall of Fame.

Photo source: University of Saskatchewan
Today, I am honoured to announce that on June 10, 2021, Dr. Harvey received his Honorary Degree from the University of Saskatchewan to mark the significant contributions he has made to his community and Canadian society throughout his career.
For over 50 years, Bryan Harvey has been an integral part of Canadian agriculture as a breeder, academic and public servant, and an internationally renowned expert and leader in his field, particularly in plant breeding. As breeder or co-breeder of over 60 varieties of barley, Bryan has taught classes in plant sciences, genetics and plant breeding at the diploma, baccalaureate, and postgraduate levels.
Bryan, on behalf of all of us at the CSGA, thank you for your sage advice over the years. Our warmest congratulations to you!
Joe Rennick
Be inspired here!
Back to topDigital Crop Certificates Are Coming Soon
It’s true! Digital certificates are almost ready to launch! They’re coming later this summer, and we wanted to highlight some of the exciting benefits they offer.
Replacing the hardcopy-based certificate, digital certificates will be generated within SeedCert (formerly the Members’ Area), where users will be able to manage their certificates directly in the platform. For those of you who prefer a paper version, don’t worry – you will be able to print a copy for yourself. You could even print them on salmon-coloured paper if you wanted!
The new digital certificate will improve processes for members and assignees in several ways, including:
- Streamlining a laborious paper process – less administrative burden
- Reducing the risk of transcription errors
- Providing easy electronic shareability
- Enhancing traceability and verification via scanning a QR code that automatically displays all certificate updates
- Providing clarity to the certification process
- Increasing overall integrity of the seed system with more accurate data
It also allows for possible future integrations with Registered Seed Establishments (RSEs).
Digital certificates will launch alongside the integration of the Members’ Area with the SeedCert platform. SeedCert offers the possibility of connecting to other third party platforms – a significant step towards implementing a single-window approach.
As most of you are aware, in the CSGA 2.0 Business Plan the digitalization of the Association is one of the top three goals. CSGA is actively modernizing its digital systems, service offerings, and regulations to be more agile and responsive to members’ needs. The CSGA digital seed crop certificate is the next step in creating a digital, end-to-end, streamlined certification process.
Watch for “How to Use” video demonstrations and other communications later this summer!
Back to topApplication Deadline Dates Are Upon Us
Have you submitted your Application for Seed Crop Certification to CSGA? If not, now is the time to do so. Make sure to apply by the applicable deadline dates for the crop kind you are growing.
Please ensure you read Circular 6 and the Application Support Document carefully for detailed instructions on the application and certification process, important updates, and current year fees. Start your application process now.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need help completing your application. We can be reached via email or (613)236-0497 ext. 8803. You can also use the online chat feature on the website to connect you with staff during business hours.
Third Party Account Authorizations
Many seed growers rely on crop certificate assignees and third parties to manage certain aspects of the seed certification process, including making application for seed crop certification on their behalf.
Both the Application for Seed Crop Certification and the Application for CSGA Membership/Renewal forms must be submitted in the name of the seed grower responsible for producing and managing that seed crop. While only a seed grower can complete the membership application form, a third party can submit an Application for Seed Crop Certification on behalf of a grower if the proper account authorizations are in place.
For CSGA to accept an Application for Seed Crop Certification submitted by a third party on behalf of a grower, the seed grower must first provide authorization to CSGA. The grower can provide this authorization through the CSGA Membership Application form via the question, “Would you like to authorize a third party to act on your behalf?” Alternatively, growers can also complete the Third Party Authorization form in the Forms tab of SeedCert (Members’ Area).
To ensure applications for Seed Crop Certification are processed efficiently, seed growers are encouraged to their provide third party authorizations via the membership form early in the season, well in advance of the various crop application deadline dates.
For more information, please consult the Application Support Document or contact the office.
Back to topMechanical Purity Research Project Update
In the March 2021 edition of Seed Scoop, CSGA announced the launch of its Mechanical Impurity Pilot Project. The research project looks to inform a review of the mechanical impurity requirements of crop kinds in Section 2 of Circular 6.
If a field of one of those crop kinds is found to have mechanical impurities (not more than three times what is permitted for Certified production) that would cause the crop to be demoted to a lower class or cause the field not to be pedigreed, the grower will be invited to enroll that field in the research project. Where multiple mechanical impurities are found, the field would also be invited to enroll so long as none exceed their qualifying limits. For example, for a wheat crop applying for Certified status, the field could have up to 24 oat plants (8×3) and 15 triticale plants (5×3) and 12 barley plants (4×3) and be enrolled in this research pilot.
This project only extends to fields – plots are not included. Fields that are in the research project will have either a MIRP1 or MIRP2 message code associated with them.
At the end of the season, the grower will be required to provide information regarding the cleaning process and a seed analysis before any certificates are issued. Please note that seed crops certified through this project are not guaranteed to meet a specific grade. Once the certificate is issued, the seed from enrolled crops would be handled and graded according to normal processes.
For more information on this research project, please email Brianna Chouinard, Manager, Certification.
Back to topCSGA has Moved!
A reminder that CSGA has moved. Now at the agriculture campus at 21 Florence St, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0W6, our new flexible office space offers private CSGA offices and meeting rooms and access to a large main boardroom with interpretation booths.
Our mailing address remains the same at P.O. Box 8455, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 3T1 and should be used for all letter mail. CSGA phone numbers also remain the same.
Back to topShare Your Thoughts on Which Plants Should be Subject to Part V of The Seeds Regulations
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is looking for feedback on proposed guidance for determining whether a plant is subject to Part V (Release of Seed) of the Seeds Regulations. Clarifying which plants are subject to Part V and which are exempt will give stakeholders a better understanding of which requirements are relevant to them regarding new and emerging technologies such as gene editing.
The proposed updated guidance to Part V aims to clarify:
- how the release of seed is regulated in Canada
- how the Seeds Regulations maintain Canada’s high safety standards
- when to inform the CFIA about a new plant line
- when scientific pre-market safety assessments are required
- comparisons to international approaches to the extent possible
- how new technologies can be used
Your input will help the CFIA finalize a science-based approach of adapting to innovation while protecting health and safety that fits the needs of the seed sector and all Canadians.
Consultation is open until September 16, 2021. Detailed information is available on CFIA’s webpage, and you can complete the survey here.
Back to topHealth Canada Announces New Measures for Use of Neonics
On May 19, 2021, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) released its final re-evaluation decision on the risk to human health and the environment from the neonicotinoid pesticide imidacloprid after years of data collection, scientific assessments, and consultations.
Neonicotinoids are a class of pesticide used to control insects on various agricultural crops, including as a seed treatment. Imidacloprid is applied using ground, aerial, and seed treatment equipment, tree injection applicators, and bait stations.
Health Canada found that, when used according to new mitigation measures, the risks of imidacloprid to human health and the environment are considered acceptable. However, certain uses of imidacloprid are cancelled to address potential risks of concern to the environment.
Please visit Health Canada’s webpage for full decision details, cancelled uses and other information.
Back to topContact Us
CSGA staff are here to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us. Remember the CSGA national office operates in the Eastern Time (ET) zone.
Telephone: (613) 236-0497
Email: communications@seedgrowers.ca
Address: 21 Florence St, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0W6
Click here for complete staff contact information.