August 21, 2024

What We Heard – Membership Class Consultation

As part of our ongoing efforts to develop an inclusive next-generation seed certification system, CSGA recently held an eight-week public consultation on a proposal to reintroduce Affiliate and Associate membership classes. The proposal also included proposed By-law changes that would enable these membership classes and better align CSGA’s governance processes with best practices. Members, prospective members, and stakeholders were invited to provide comments. Full information on the consultation, including key documents, is available here.

Who Participated

The survey was completed by 98 individuals—83 current CSGA regular members and 15 stakeholders. The responses represented all provinces except Nova Scotia, with Manitoba (29%), Alberta (23%), and Ontario (21%) being the top provinces.

Summary of Feedback

Affiliate Membership Class

  • 85% of respondents were in favour of reintroducing the Affiliate membership class
  • 85% of the respondents were in favour of the proposed Affiliate rights and privileges

Associate Membership Class

  • 83% of respondents were in favour of reintroducing the Associate Membership Class
  • 84% of the respondents were in favour of the proposed Associate rights and privileges

Proposed By-law Revisions

  • 86% of respondents were in favour of the proposed general By-law amendments presented.

We invite you to read the full “What We Heard” Report.

Next Steps

Feedback from the consultation will be reviewed by the CSGA’s Governance Committee, which will make a recommendation on how to proceed to the CSGA Board of Directors. As this proposal changes the By-laws, a Special Member Meeting would be required for CSGA Regular Members to vote on any proposed changes. As per the existing CSGA By-laws and the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, CSGA would be required to give Regular Members 90 days’ notice prior to calling the Special Member Meeting.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation process. If you have any questions about the membership class consultation, what we heard, or the proposed revisions to the By-laws, please reach out via email.

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CSGA in Action

This summer, CSGA actively participated in several key events, ensuring that Canada’s seed certification system and standards maintain their competitive advantage while reinforcing our leadership position both domestically and globally.

International Harmonization

As part of CSGA’s core standard-setting mandate, CSGA works internationally to ensure Canadian seed crop certification standards are aligned and harmonized with international standard-setting bodies, like the OECD Seed Schemes and AOSCA. Many of CSGA’s standards have been used as the international benchmark for certification and the utilization of modern technology. CSGA’s international collaboration helps ensure seed trade is not negatively impacted and helps ensure regulatory alignment with our most important trading partners.

Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA): In June, Doug Miller and Gail Harris represented CSGA at the AOSCA conference in Florida. There, they collaborated with our American peers to address advancements and challenges in seed certification. One of the biggest points of discussion was the modernization of AOSCA’s certification handbook, which is very similar to the Circular 6 modernization effort CSGA undertook in 2018. Gail, in her role as Chair of the Certification Requirements & Standards Council, was instrumental in advancing this project over the last year. Doug was re-elected by the AOSCA Board of Directors for another term as AOSCA Vice-President.

OECD Seed Schemes: In June, Doug also attended the OECD Seed Scheme meetings in France. Like AOSCA, the OECD Seed Schemes is another international seed certification framework, but it is more global in nature (over 60 participating countries) and based on government-to-government exchanges. CSGA supports the CFIA at these international meetings and participates as an observing organization alongside AOSCA, ISTA, ISF, and EuroSeeds. One of the main discussion topics was the digitalization of the OECD Seed Schemes, where CSGA has played a leadership role in developing the original framework and now works on this as a consultant.

Stakeholder Engagement

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) and Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FTP) Ag Ministers Meeting: In July, Doug attended the CFA Board meeting in Whitehorse, which was hosted alongside the FPT Ag Ministers meeting. The FTP meeting was a great opportunity to network with key industry stakeholders, Ag Ministers and their staff, and Senators in attendance. The theme of the FPT meeting was the importance of data and the development of a Pan-Canada Data Strategy. CSGA works through key organizations like the CFA to ensure seed grower and seed policy perspectives feed into larger policy issues and forums.

Seeds Canada: In July, CSGA attended the Seeds Canada meeting in Edmonton and engaged in discussions on Seed Regulatory Modernization (SRM). CSGA congratulates Brent Collins as he begins his role as President role and thanks Ellen Sparry for her years of service as President of Seeds Canada.

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Celebrating Our CSGA Team’s Dedication and Milestones

At CSGA, our strength lies in the passion and commitment of our people. We are fortunate to have a team that not only believes in our mission but works tirelessly to advance it every single day. This summer, we proudly celebrate the incredible milestones of five exceptional team members whose years of service have been integral to our success.

20 years: Gail Harris, Standards Manager

For two decades, Gail has been a cornerstone of CSGA’s commitment to excellence in seed crop standards. Her have been key in maintaining the high standards that define our Association. Gail’s 20 years of service reflect not only her extensive knowledge and unwavering dedication but also her deep passion for the sector and her significant contributions to our ongoing success.

19 years: Caroline Lafontaine, Chief Operating Office

With nearly two decades under her belt, Caroline has been a driving force within CSGA. Her passion and tireless efforts have been crucial to our growth. Caroline’s commitment is a testament to the values we hold dear, and her impact resonates throughout the organization.

16 years: Pam Coles, Managing Director, Finance and Administration

For 16 years, Pam has been the financial backbone of our Association. Her expertise in financial management and operational efficiency has been crucial in maintaining our stability and fostering growth. Her leadership ensures that we continue to operate smoothly and effectively.

9 years: Emmanuel Fondi, Policy and Certification Officer

Emmanuel has been a key player in shaping our policies and certification standards over the past nine years. His attention to detail and commitment to upholding our standards have made him an invaluable asset and bolstered our reputation for excellence.

8 years: Mike Scheffel, Managing Director, Policy and Standards

With eight years of service, Mike has been instrumental in guiding CSGA’s policies and standards. His leadership has ensured that we remain at the forefront of the sector’s best practices – domestically and abroad. His dedication to maintaining and enhancing our standards has been pivotal in driving CSGA forward.

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Variety Verification Seed Sample Bags for Plot Growers

It’s that time of year again, and variety verification seed sample bags are being sent out. All growers who had plots in 2024 will receive their seed sample bags by mail in late August or September (soybeans), so look out for them.

To complete crop certification, those who grew Foundation, Select, or Probation plots will need to send a seed sample for each variety produced directly to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) Seed Science Unit by February 15 and complete Form 50, Report on Plot Production, in CSGA’s SeedCert.

Please remember that the seed sample must be cleaned, even by hand-screening. Following the provided seed sample submission guidelines is crucial to ensure your sample meets all the necessary requirements.  

The CFIA’s Variety Verification Program is vital in Canada’s seed certification system, offering a thorough quality check. Seed samples are grown in plots through the Program to monitor the effectiveness of Canada’s seed certification process. With a comprehensive view of nearly all high-generation varieties produced annually, the program provides invaluable insights into the varieties available to Canadian producers.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to email us or call us at 613.236.0497 ext. 8806.

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From Seed to Harvest, We've Got You Covered With CSGA Health

At CSGA, we understand the unique challenges and needs of the Canadian seed sector. That’s why we’ve crafted an affordable health and dental insurance solution tailored specifically for you. We aim to deliver understanding and peace of mind so you never have to worry about coverage again.

With CSGA Health, you gain access to a range of benefits designed to support you, your family and your employees throughout every stage of life and business. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Accessible to everyone in the seed sector: Providing benefits beyond just CSGA members.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Enjoy peace of mind with comprehensive health, dental, drug, vision, and travel insurance, ensuring you’re protected wherever life takes you.
  • Tailored Support: Receive specialized mental health support tailored to the unique stressors faced by those in agriculture, helping you navigate challenges with resilience and strength.
  • Protection for the Unexpected: Prepare for the unexpected with critical illness and disability coverage, safeguarding your financial security in times of need.
  • Customized Plans: Benefit from customized plan options that fit your family, business, and priorities, ensuring you receive the coverage that aligns perfectly with your needs.
  • Create Attractive Benefits Packages: Helps you create employee benefits packages, enhancing workforce care and boosting the appeal of your business as an employer.

If you’re ready to take the next step, our dedicated partners at David Burns & Associates are here to assist you every step of the way. Simply email or call 1-800-606-0445, and they’ll gladly walk you through the process and answer any questions.

Don’t wait to secure your peace of mind and protect what matters most. Contact us today to discover the CSGA Health difference.

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Do You Have a Biosecurity Plan? Here’s Why You Need One

Managing the spread of harmful biological contaminants—such as diseases, insects, and weeds—is crucial for every seed grower. A robust biosecurity plan offers a structured approach to preventing and controlling these potential threats.

If you haven’t considered this yet, it’s time to think about whether any contaminants could significantly impact your operation and how you can mitigate or manage those risks.

Start with CFIA Resources

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) provides a helpful webpage dedicated to invasive species, plants, and diseases of concern. This resource outlines federally monitored pests that may require management, reporting, removal, or even isolation. Each province also maintains its own list of contaminants and their associated management requirements. Getting contaminants listed on these lists isn’t easy, underscoring the importance of keeping them off your farm!

Crafting Your Biosecurity Plan

If you don’t already have a biosecurity plan, no worries—the CFIA has a Farm-Level Biosecurity Planning Guide to help you develop or refine your strategy. This guide is an excellent starting point for protecting your farm from various biological threats.

Biosecurity During Crop Inspection

During the seed crop certification process, inspectors focus on weeds classified as Prohibited Noxious under the federal Weed Seeds Order 2016. However, if some other weeds or diseases could impact your production, check if your inspector is trained to identify these issues. If they are, they might offer valuable insights into their presence in your fields, depending on your contract terms.

If you have a biosecurity plan in place, let your inspector know in advance. Inform them if special protective gear (like suits or booties) is needed or if there are any specific contaminants in your fields that should not be spread. A well-implemented and communicated biosecurity plan helps safeguard your production and protects neighbouring farms.

Stay proactive and ensure that your biosecurity measures are up to date to keep your crops safe and thriving!

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Seed Guide Deadline Dates Are Coming

This is just a friendly reminder! Please provide your consent before the deadlines listed below to ensure your crops are included in the provincial Seed Guide magazines and websites.

For your pedigreed seed guide listings to appear in both CSGA’s national online Pedigreed Seed Locator and the Provincial Seed Guides, we need to share some of your personal and crop production information with third parties. This helps us get your information out to the public.

Growers can provide consent and customize the information shared with these third parties through the Membership Application/Renewal Form. Applicants can also review, confirm, and adjust their consent in SeedCert under “My Account”. Crop Certificate Assignees can provide consent through the Third Party Account Information and Consent form, available on the “Apply Now” tab in SeedCert.

If we don’t receive your membership application or consent to share your information by the deadlines below, your production may not be featured in the Seed Guides. Here are the deadlines:

  • Alberta and British Columbia: September 4, 2024
  • Manitoba: September 30, 2024
  • Saskatchewan: October 15, 2024
  • Ontario: October 31, 2024

Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by email or at 613.236.0497 ext. 8803. Thanks for helping us keep everything up to date!

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Mark Your Calendars to Join Us in Victoria, BC, in 2025!

The CSGA 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in the picturesque city of Victoria, British Columbia, from July 3 to July 5. Nestled amidst stunning gardens, lush forests, and the serene ocean, Victoria offers the perfect backdrop for both learning and leisure.

Our AGM promises to be one of the most engaging and memorable yet, featuring a variety of discussion panels, presentations, and family-friendly activities.

Whether you’re exploring the natural beauty of the area, participating in interactive sessions, or enjoying the lively social events, you’re guaranteed a wonderful time. Stay tuned for more details as we prepare for an unforgettable AGM 2025. Mark your calendars and get ready to join us in Victoria!

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Contact Us

CSGA staff are here to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us. Remember the CSGA national office operates in the Eastern Time (ET) zone.

Telephone: (613) 236-0497
Address: 21 Florence St, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0W6
Click here for complete staff contact information.